Wednesday, July 25, 2012

An Outdoor Kids' Ministry

Thrilled about the simple outline Jesus has given me for an outdoor children's thankful for the book The Idle Parent by Tom Hodgkinson for  direction and for taking the load off my back of being elaborate..follow me at Sweetened Condensed Milk for more detailed notes from The Idle Parent as we are reading this in our book club..
collapse the distinction between work and play - bring to it all cheerfulness of interest and charm of freedom..turn ALL into a game..
naughtiness is an attempt to bring autonomy and even dignity into their lives..the child's attempt to resist tyranny.
to set up what you like against what you dislike - this is the disease of the mind and all too much work and money..learn to appreciate variety.. don't ask judgment was it fun? did you like it?
saying no to things is saying yes to humanity and to life..
education is for the purpose of turning out children with wits and guts
reverence human personality, your own as well..think not in terms of good or bad, but rather as free or enslaved..
stay immersed in the NOW & remain connected to NATURE.. babies don't analyze nature, they are one with nature, merely existing in it..
learn to survive in every climate. .
nature has enough toys for everyone.. provide glue, tape, crayons, construction paper and recyclables
drench children in picture and chapter books
learn stories from books and movies so well that you can tell them by heart
wassail (sing with gusto) while banging pots and pans with wooden spoons & shaking rocks in containers
wassail (sing with gusto) with motions
play card, dice, marble and active games
linked at  The Better Mom, Time Warp Wife, Growing Home, True Aim Education, We Are That Family, Women Living Well, lowercase letters
 image from here

1 comment:

  1. Nature has enough toys for everyone. Nough said! Great ideas for our outlook on raising children. Thanks for linking up at Mom's Library!


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