Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Gratitude & Contentment

Some of you have heard my cry for a baby. It was an ache, to be honest, that stemmed so much from discontent and jealousy. I know for many people having a baby is a selfless act, and if God sees that we need a baby or babies in our family, I am more than willing to be a mommy. He has shown me though, at this time, I am to enjoy what He has given me. After 35 years of being completely single, I am married to my best friend, I have four sweet stepkids and a grandson, my darling sister is practically my daughter and my kitty cats are the most babyish & cuddly sweeties I could ask for.  

Wow, am I blessed! I have a lot of problems with trust in many areas, but in the area of me having or adopting a baby, it is in the hands of my sweet Savior and I know without a doubt that nothing is impossible with Him. Resting right now in what I have..Praise Him!!

image from here

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I know there are a lot of women going through the same thing right now. And God will take care of them all. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!


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